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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Tuberculosis Control

Florida Department of Health in Hamilton County


The Tuberculosis Clinic within the Florida Department of Health in Hamilton County provides a variety of services to the residents of Hamilton County. Our primary service is to identify and treat to cure, by directly observed therapy, any residents that are suspected of or have active tuberculosis. This is done through a diagnostic evaluation consisting of radiographic exams, bacteriologic and symptom evaluations of those with positive tuberculin skin tests or those who have symptoms consistent with active disease. Residents with latent tuberculosis infection are evaluated and treatment is offered to those who are at highest risk for progressing to active disease to prevent future cases of tuberculosis within our community. Tuberculin skin testing is also provided for residents who are seeking employment or those entering college based on specific program entrance requirements. Tuberculosis Clinic staff serve as a resource to our community by providing training to other agencies within the community regarding tuberculosis, placement and interpretation of the tuberculin skin test and respirator fit testing in an effort to promote consistency and continuity of care with our partners outside the health department system.

We Provide:

  • Tuberculin skin testing (TST)
  • Symptom screenings for previous positive TST reactors
  • Radiographic, bacteriological examinations to rule out active disease
  • Treatment of active cases of disease
  • Treatment of high priority clients with latent tuberculosis infection

Contact Information and Links 

Appointments are available Monday through Friday 8:00-11:00am and 1:00-4:00pm (no skin testing on Thursdays) by appointment only. Please call 386-792-1414.